
Researcher at TU Wien & Complexity Science Hub Vienna and Senior Data Scientist at Magenta Austria. Personally, I prefer the title Senior Software Engineer with a Specialization in Data.

Georg Heiler lives for insights: A lot of people think that the semantics behind data matters as it is only relevant in the proper context. Deriving the correct context when analyzing data can be challenging in very noisy datasets such as HFC telemetry or mobility analytics data.

Georg’s interests are in working with large-scale spatio-temporal graph data. He considers an end-to-end view of the data pipelines and holistic data architecture. As an experienced data scientist in the industry, he has delivered use cases concerning fraud detection, mobility analytics and predictive maintenance in cable networks. As part of his doctoral studies, he researched inferring supply networks and analyzed the impact on society of government interventions due to the COVID-19 pandemic using mobility data. As a lecturer on data science and big data, he shares his enthusiasm for data with up-and-coming data talents. He is a speaker and organizer at meetups to develop the data science community.

Personal insights about Georg: he loves rowing and hiking in the mountains.

  • Geo-spatial analytics
  • Time series
  • Network analytics
  • Large and fast data
  • Dr. techn. Informatics, 2023

    TU Wien

  • MSc in Business Informatics, 2018

    TU Wien

  • BSc in Business Informatics, 2015

    TU Wien

Recent & Upcoming Talks


State-of-the-art Deep Learning library for Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai. Recently I started to contribute to this project.
CSH Skillup
Chair skillup session at the CSH
H3 conda-forge
Conda forge offers effortless installation of various well tested python packages. I am a maintainer of H3 and H3-py on conda-forge.
Datalake for the enterprise & large geospatial data
Reverse engineering old data pipelines ; ) and analyzing huge quantities of spatial data.
Datalake for the enterprise & large geospatial data
Music streaming Analytics
Anomaly detection for music streaming royalties
Music streaming Analytics
Predictive credit scoring
Individual cost based classification model outperforms classical processes.
Predictive credit scoring
PredictR is a fintech startup which turns personal transaction lists into cashflow forecasts. It allows customers to explor their financial future to put life decisions into context.
Vienna Data Science Group [VDSG] is a nonprofit association promoting knowledge about data science. I am a member here and help newcomers find their way into data science.

Recent Publications

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(2022). Specialization in Criminal Careers. Specialization in Criminal Careers.

Preprint Cite

(2022). Viral variant-resolved wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 at national scale. Viral variant-resolved wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 at national scale.

Preprint PDF Cite

(2022). Identifying the root cause of cable network problems with machine learning. Identifying the root cause of DOCSIS network problems with machine learning.

Preprint Cite

(2022). Data Anonymization – The key to innovation. Data Anonymization – The key to innovation.

PDF Cite

(2021). Mobility changes in Austria in fall 2021. As corona cases in Austria were surging, the government imposed a lockdown for unvaccinated people on November 15, 2021..

PDF Project
